LIFESTYLE | July 2021 Reads


The Crucible | Arthur Miller

Written during the early 1950’s to mirror image the anti-communist era by rewinding the clock and looking at the 1700’s Salem Witch trials, this read is a huge reminder that history does repeat itself. We are so fickle to think there is not a repetitive nature to the human existence. The only true thing that can help curb history repeating itself is awareness. An awareness of ourselves and the world around us. So much of history is built on the foundations of fear, misunderstandings and lack of grace. This book couldn’t be more relevant today for all of the polarized societal shifts we are seeing.

Glad to have read the play, but even more interested in seeing it live.

A Whole New World | Liz Braswell

A retelling of Disneys ‘Aladdin’. I have been following this series slowly where commissioned authors retell these classics / Disney tales in new and twisted ways. This adaption is no exception. If you like this sort of thing, these books are a fun read.

On Greif & Grieving | Elisabeth Kübler-Ross & David Kessler

I have been reading this book for research on the grieving process. Especially now that David has expanded on this in a second book, it’s easy to see why this is a book that many recommend. It’s a staple for understanding what a person goes through in any sort of grief.

Films & TV Series of Note

Toy Story 3 - for the family film night & because it is the best of the series.
The Handmaids Tale S04 - for the reminder that we are only ever one step away from becoming a society that would spiral out of control.
Back to the Future - for the summer nostalgia