Posts tagged byamygrace
2024 | A Year of Aces

Amy Grace wearing black holding ace playing cards. Font overlay reads: A Year of Aces - 2024 - byamygrace

ace1 | ās | noun

1 a playing card with a single spot on it, ranked as the highest card in its suit in most card games: the ace of diamonds | life had started dealing him aces again figurative.

2 a person who excels at a particular sport or other activity.

3 a service that an opponent is unable to touch and thus wins a point.


an ace up one's sleeve.
a plan or piece of information kept secret until it becomes necessary to use it.
hold all the aces.
play one's ace.

I took unusually long to find a word that would encompass this new year. In fact, I left it until the last twelve hours of 2023. What choosing a word for each new year has taught me, is that they are incredibly prophetic, delightfully inspiring and deeply powerful.

Why Ace?

Too long I have played it safe. I have played the lowest to lower cards in my hand because it kept me safe from criticism, safe from the unknowns and most importantly safe from risk.
I have flirted with playing more risky hands from time to time, but almost always I find my way back to that safe place where I feel sure that I won’t loose anything in the process.

In many respects this has served me well.
My professional and personal growth have all paced at a speed that I can manage, I have been able to maintain bridges with those who have come in and out of my life and for the most part I have been able to maintain my own desired lifestyle in a manageable way.

Yet this pace has become altogether too slow.
I have been holding on to projects, opportunities, ideas, skills, words and adventures as if playing them would risk it all.
Maybe it will.
Maybe it won’t.

This year I am going to be watching, learning and discerning how and when to play my aces.

This year I am going to learn to embrace the risks.

& this year, I am going to stop playing it safe.





34 notations, lessons, observations and gold found.

*In no particular order.

  1. Pursue the deep, the wonder and the voiceless…there is always gold in what has not yet been given light.

  2. Anyone that leaves you behind has lost the plot. Their time in your story has passed and if they resurface, only you can say if they belong in the new pages of your story or not.

  3. Resist the temptation to repeat old patterns / ways of connecting. You do it different.

  4. No one wants to leave you. They simply haven’t healed themselves enough to stay.

  5. You have the strongest ties to the ones that will be there for the worst of it all. Give those ties a tug when needed. They’ll be there.

  6. Your bit of earth is rich and vibrant. Watch it grow and cultivate it during the quiet seasons. Quiet doesn’t mean fallow.

  7. Everything that is inside you that tells you are unintelligent is a lie. Your intelligence moves mountains not only outwardly but on the insides of others. Don’t hide your processing and thoughts. It’s your calling to share.

  8. Celebrate every win. Don’t shy away from being proud.

  9. Listen to your gut. It has never steered you wrong.

  10. If you thought ‘family’ was a word to pitch your tent to, think again. Learn. Connect and learn again.

  11. Lean not on others, but stand upright on the two feet you were given.

  12. Take up space and hold space in every room you walk into.

  13. Reject every 'othering’ narrative that seeks to control a room.

  14. Embrace the woman and mothering ways that only you uniquely inhabit.

  15. Work on what you are aware of, stay learning and work some more.

  16. Be the friend you need and want… but draw the line at being used and sucked dry.

  17. Process every wound and give it air. Work to find it’s best healing and do not deny its presence and process.

  18. Expect more from yourself. You are already capable of more than you realize.

  19. If you were told to let someone else do it in your childhood / young adult years, give it a go alone. See if you are capable. (you probably are.)

  20. Drive. Stay independant. Never let fear drive the car.

  21. Dress to please you and how you want to present yourself. Not for anyone else.

  22. When faced with misogyny / sexual misconduct, do not accept the blame. Call out the toxic patriarchy and let your words speak for themselves.

  23. Stay courageous, vulnerable and open….and share when you feel safe.

  24. Rather than letting them define you, define yourself.

  25. Travel when it suits you. If it doesn’t, don’t. If it does, do.

  26. You always know when it’s time for a change. Your restless heart beat will let you know.

  27. Others won’t be ready for your changes, but you will be. Let that be enough.

  28. Protect your independence and ability to stand on your own two feet. Question anyone who wants to make you dependant.

  29. Question anyone who puts you on a pedestal.

  30. “Just between us” is a death sentence.

  31. Move your body. You will always feel better after.

  32. Anyone you have loved has gotten a glimpse of heaven through your love…don’t discredit your heart and what you have given.

  33. Stay witty. You are a firecracker and they love that about you. (& it keeps you alive for yourself)

  34. Stay you. Stay Amy freaking Grace.

Work | Her Business Our Story Your Calling

Her Business Our Story Your Calling is a short documentary featuring various entrepreneurial women and their businesses' stories. Through their experiences, we aim to inspire and encourage other people (focusing on women but not limited to) to pursue their entrepreneurial dreams.

A Brilliansea Production

Director: Claire Fraser
Producer: Amy Grace
Co Writers: Claire Fraser & Amy Grace
Editor: Claire Fraser
Cinematographer/Camera Operators: Claire Fraser Devon Pennick-Reilly Amy Grace
Korayne Romanchuk - Koko Mod Floral Design
Kate Pepler - The Tare Shop
Elana Camille - Elana Camille Creates
Victoria Smith - Fluke Boutique
Sharlene Loveless - Glo Barre (Rebranded:Rehab Body Lab Wellness & Tanning Studio)
Claire Fraser - Claire Fraser - Photography & Videography

WORK | Everything is Progress

As work and projects have shifted,

it became very clear that I needed new business cards.

Here is what blew me away about looking at past cards I have had for byamygrace until now:

Every year I become more and more who I am supposed to be.
Every year is a refinement and these little cards are a testament to the journey.

Looking at this business card I feel truly connected to what I am presenting more so than ever before.
That is me and it clearly states what I am about.

It is hard in the moment of the slog of ones own work and creative pursuits to see the story that is being woven together with every action, every day, season and year… but when you pan back and see the progression over years, you begin to see that you have been growing, changing and becoming.

It has led me to the realization that every little thing is progress and there is room for just a bit more growth in every small and simple thing we do.

*“Baby steps and short breaths. Anything is progress. You sustain my every moment.” - Steffany Gretzinger